

Forum Replies Created

  • Try removing the <div class="xzoom-thumbs"> from the loop.

    <div class="col-left">
    <div class="xzoom-thumbs">
    <img class="xzoom" src="<?php the_field('preview_image'); ?>" xoriginal="<?php echo the_field('preview_image'); ?>" /> 
    if( have_rows('main_gallery') ):
        while ( have_rows('main_gallery') ) : the_row();
    	  <a href="<?php the_sub_field('image_preview') ?>">
    	    <img class="xzoom-gallery" width="80" src="<?php the_sub_field('image_thumb'); ?>"  xpreview="<?php the_sub_field('image_preview'); ?>">
  • Hey,
    There is a php function called sort() which is used to sort an array of values.

    $cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota");

    Might be of some use to you.

  • Hey,
    If opening_hours and book_online are acf fields, then you can use

    $book_online = get_field('book_online', $post->ID);
    if(function_exists( 'iinclude_page' ) && $book_online)
    //code here

    You also need to make sure that the $post and the function iinclude_page is available.

  • Hey,
    I really didn’t get the question, but rather than filtering it in the query, you can use this.

    $posts = get_posts(array(
        'post_type'			=> 'letters',
        'numberposts'	    => -1,
    foreach($posts as $post)
    if(get_field('letter_sent', $post->ID) == '2019')
    //your code

    Also the meta_key is not same when acf saves it. Try enabling the Custom fields option in the Screen options. You will get the idea how acf saves the custom fields.

  • Hey,
    You can add a single image field to get the first preview image and then add the repeater field to get all images.
    See below.

    <div class="col-left">
    <img class="xzoom" src="<?php the_field('preview_image'); ?>" xoriginal="<?php echo the_field('preview_image'); ?>" /> 
    if( have_rows('main_gallery') ):
        while ( have_rows('main_gallery') ) : the_row();
    	<div class="xzoom-thumbs">
    	  <a href="<?php the_sub_field('image_preview') ?>">
    	    <img class="xzoom-gallery" width="80" src="<?php the_sub_field('image_thumb'); ?>"  xpreview="<?php the_sub_field('image_preview'); ?>">
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