

Forum Replies Created

  • I tried this function but it doesn’t save the title when i create a new post of post type “pelatologio” but it does save the title if i open the new post and save it again

    add_action('acf/save_post', 'cst_check_post_title', 20);
    function cst_check_post_title($post_id) {
      if (!is_numeric($post_id)) {
      $post_type = get_post_type($post_id);
      if ($post_type == 'pelatologio'){
      		$cst_t_date=date("d/m/Y", strtotime($_POST['acf']['field_5a6b3543bf97a']));
    		$cst_epi = get_field('epitheto');
    		$cst_pat = get_field('onoma_patros');
    		$cst_ono = get_field('onoma');
    		$cst_title =$cst_epi.' '.mb_strimwidth($cst_pat, 0, 3 ).' '.$cst_ono.' '.$cst_t_date;
    	  	$data['post_title'] = $cst_title;
      }else if ($post_type == 'parastatika'){
      		$data['post_title'] = 'Απόδειξη Παροχής Υπηρεσιών #';
      wp_update_post( $data );

    i tried using the $_POST[‘acf’] way as well but that one doesn’t seem to work either with the acf/save_post for the initial save i have considered using acf/save_post with $_POST[‘acf’] and lower the priority to 10 and see if that would work for both New Posts and Updated Posts

  • I guess i need two seperate functions, one for the new posts and one for the posts being updated, i suppose i can keep my function as is and add a condition to check if the post is new and a seperate function that uses the acf/save_post and run this one for published post.

    Does this sound correct to you?

    Thanks for your assistance!

  • Solved it , wrapped repeater sub fields in an accordion custom field

  • This did the trick for me!

    basically i used this to get the first 3 characters: mb_strimwidth($_POST['acf']['field_5a6b343038f0c'], 0, 3 )

    Below you can see the function:

    function acf_review_before_save_post($post_id) {
    	if (empty($_POST['acf']))
    	$_POST['acf']['_post_title'] =$_POST['acf']['field_5a6770a3c509d'].' '.mb_strimwidth($_POST['acf']['field_5a6b343038f0c'], 0, 3 ).' '.$_POST['acf']['field_5a5f76d271881'].' '.date("d/m/Y", strtotime($_POST['acf']['field_5a6b3543bf97a']));
    	return $post_id;
    add_action('acf/pre_save_post', 'acf_review_before_save_post', -1);

    Thanks for your response!

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