

Forum Replies Created

  • Also managed to solve this reading trough this topic, thank you all! My solution may work for others so also posting it here:

    In my “block.json”:

        "name": "acf/my-acf-block",
        "title": "My ACF Block",
        "description": "Description of this block.",
        "style": "file:./my-acf-block.css",
        "category": "my-custom-category",
        "icon": "random-icon-or-svg",
        "textdomain": "my-textdomain",
        "acf": {
            "mode": "edit",
            "renderTemplate": "my-acf-block.php"
        "supports": {
            "align": [
        "example": {
            "attributes": {
                "mode": "preview",
                "data": {
                    "preview_image_my_acf_block": "assets/img/my-placeholder.jpg"

    And in “my-acf-block.php” I start with:

    if( isset( $block['data']['preview_image_my_acf_block'] )  ) {
    	echo '<img src="' . CONSTANT_THEME_URL . $block['data']['preview_image_my_acf_block'] . ' " style="width: 100%; height: auto;">';
    // the rest of my template render..

    The “CONSTANT_THEME_URL” is a constant that I normally define within my theme and returns the URL of the current theme, but including trailingslashit().

  • I also ran into this question and solved it with some modifications to the answer given earlier. Maybe it will help someone.

    function fetch_large_slider($postId) {
    	$slider_images = [];
    	$pid = (empty($postId) ? get_post() : $postId);
    	// check if acf is used
    	if (function_exists('get_field')) {
    		if (has_blocks($pid)) {
    			$blocks = parse_blocks( $pid->post_content );
    			// run trough acf gutenberg/acf-blocks and find the right one
    			foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
    				// find all selected images
    				if ($block["blockName"] == 'acf/full-page-slider') {
    					// build new array from found images
    					$image_set = $block["attrs"]["data"]["fullpage_slider_images"];
    					// collect image urls inside an array
    					foreach ($image_set as $imageID) {
    						$slider_images[] = wp_get_attachment_image_src($imageID,'full',false)[0];
    				} else {
    	return $slider_images;
  • Topic can be closed. I used another approach.

  • Oke, I am little bit further. I managed to create a post and a user but I am not yet there.

    This is what I use in my template:

    while (have_posts()) {
            'post_id'       => 'new_post',
            'submit_value'  => 'Register user',
            'uploader' => 'basic',
            'updated_message' => 'Well done! You made an account and a post.',
            'html_updated_message'  => '<div style="background: rgba(31,205,80,.2); padding: 10px 20px; border-radius: 4px;" class="updated"><p>%s</p></div>',
            'new_post' => array(
                'post_type'     => 'my-cpt',
                'post_status'   => 'publish'

    This is what I have now in my functions.php:

    function create_user_via_acf($post_id) {
    	$username = get_field('username',$post_id);
    	$password = get_field('password',$post_id);
    	$email = get_field('email',$post_id);
    	$categories = get_field('categories',$post_id);
    	// creating the user
    	$userdata = array (
    		'user_login'    => $username .'-'. generate_random_user_number(),
    		'user_email'    => $email,
    		'user_pass'     => $password,
    		'post_category' => $categories
    	$user_id = wp_insert_user($userdata);
    	// overwriting the post I created with acf_form()
    	$arg = array(
    		'ID' => $post_id,
    		'post_author' => $user_id,
    		'post_title' => $username .'-'. generate_random_user_number(),
    		'post_content'  => 'content overwritten',
    	return $post_id;
    	//wp_delete_post($post_id); //this does not delete the second post
    add_action('acf/save_post', 'create_user_via_acf', 20);

    In the function above, I try to delete the extra post, wich does not work. I do not know why. Further more, I also see there are 2 posts being created, this should be one. Also the title of the post should be the same as the user I am trying to create.

    I created a function wich returns a random integer of 3 numers (generate_random_user_number()) wich I append to the username and post. But it creates one user with e.g. username-123 and 2 posts with post-456 and post-789. Just an example to point out the digits aren’t the same. For different reasons I use the a number wich is called upon 3 times since it generates 3 different numbers.

    It should be post-123 and username-123. Username-123 should automaticly the post_author of post-123. But I just can’t get my head around this.

    I also used add_filter(‘acf/pre_save_post’) but that did not work either.

    Does anybody have any thoughts on this? A lot of thanks in advance.

  • add_action( 'init', 'brandpage_form_head' );
    function brandpage_form_head(){

    This solved it for me, thank you a lot!

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