

Forum Replies Created

  • Sure, but how do I un-mark it? I see no option .

  • Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have been switching settings before posting this topic. The field was actually configured to output url and not an array.
    Your solution $file['horse_official_document']['filename'] works fine now. Thanks so much!!!

  • Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes I’m using a File field (subfield) in my Repeater field.
    When I add [‘filename’] it returns ‘h’ as file name?

    $rows = get_field('horse_official_documents');
    	foreach($rows as $row)
    		echo '<div><a href="'. $row['horse_official_document'] .'" target="_blank">' . $row['horse_official_document']['filename'] . '</a></div>';

    I want the output to be:

    <a href="">score-mares-01.jpg</a>

    What am I missing?

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