

Forum Replies Created

  • Hey, care to share the code you used to actually set custom pin? I have a similar case, although I call entire group of fields on my page.php like that

                        'post_id'		=> 'new_post',
                        'field_groups'  => array( 72 ),
                        'new_post'		=> array(
                            'post_type'	=> 'post',
                            'post_status'	=> 'publish',
                        'submit_value'          => '[+] Send',
                        'return'                => '/',
                        'html_submit_button'    =>  '<input type="submit" id="addsignal" value="%s" />'

    … and I’m really stuck on how to pass custom pin parameters. Thanks.

  • Actually ignore this. After going through plugin source I found out there is actually “Find my location” button but it’s been hidden within the search address field, which in my world qualifies as a major UX fail.

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