

Forum Replies Created

  • Just ran across the same issue, bump!

  • Hey guys,

    Just got this working, the options page is in the array at the time the filter runs, you’ve just got to set the ‘slug’ correctly.

    By including Elliot’s array output snippet into the function like so:

    function custom_menu_order( $menu_ord ) {  
        if (!$menu_ord) return true;  
        // vars
        $menu = 'acf-options';
        // remove from current menu
        $menu_ord = array_diff($menu_ord, array( $menu ));
        // append after index.php [0]
        array_splice( $menu_ord, 1, 0, array( $menu ) );
        echo '<pre>';
        print_r( $menu_ord );
        echo '</pre>';
        // return
        return $menu_ord;
    add_filter('custom_menu_order', 'custom_menu_order');
    add_filter('menu_order', 'custom_menu_order');

    and refreshing the wp-admin, output an array like so:

        [0] => index.php
        [1] => acf-options
        [2] => separator1
        [3] => edit.php
        [4] => edit.php?post_type=profiles
        [5] => edit.php?post_type=places
        [6] => upload.php
        [7] => edit.php?post_type=museum
        [8] => link-manager.php
        [9] => edit.php?post_type=page
        [10] => edit-comments.php
        [11] => separator2
        [12] => themes.php
        [13] => plugins.php
        [14] => users.php
        [15] => tools.php
        [16] => options-general.php
        [17] => edit.php?post_type=acf
        [18] => separator-last
        [19] => sitepress-multilingual-cms/menu/languages.php
        [20] => WP-Optimize

    which reveals that my slug is [1] => acf-options

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