This is solved. I needed to move the code closer to the top of functions.php. Filter was firing too late.
I get this:
[choices] => Array
[14thstreetcorridor] => 14th Street Corridor
[georgetown] => Georgetown
The above code is in functions.php. To debug, I’ve removed the above code from the function in functions.php and placed into a post template, removing return $field and replacing with print_r($field).
Doing this, I can see that the array is formatted as follows:
[choices] => Array
[14thstreetcorridor] => 14th Street Corridor
[georgetown] => Georgetown
The values just aren’t making it to the select field, which is located on a custom post type add/create screen via the WP Dashboard.
I’ve tried using both the name and key filter, neither of which is working for me.