Hm, for some reason it doesn’t see the first parameter as a datetime.
DateTime::diff() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, null given in on line 23.
Now I get the following error:
Uncaught Error: Class ‘WP_Query’ not found
I’ll get the following error.
Call to undefined function get_query_var()
Should I replace the ‘paged’ value with something else?
Oke, so to be sure.
I added an extra line of code, which saves the publication date in an ACF field.
$datetime1 = new DateTime();
$date_created = $order->get_date_created();
$datetime2 = new DateTime($date_created);
$difference = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
$verschil = "difference " . $difference->days . " days ";
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'datum2', $verschil );
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'datum', $datetime2 );
So the next step is to create a file, which I save in my WordPress directory. The file should be like you showed:
global $wp_query;
$paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'groeiprocessen',
'fields' => 'ids', //not sure what to add here
'post_status' => array('publish'),
'paged' => $paged
$wp_query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($wp_query->have_posts()) :
while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post();
$post_id = get_the_ID();
$datetime1 = new DateTime();
$datetime2 = get_field( "datum" );
$difference = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
$verschil = "difference " . $difference->days . " days ";
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'datum2', $verschil );
The last step should be to trigger the URL with the Cron Job.
Is that correct? Thanks for your help!
The post_id comes from a custom post type and the posts are all published.
Unfortunately the value seems to not update everyday. Does anyone if I should upgrade the code or add some cron job or something?
$new_post = array(
'post_title' => "Order {$order_id}", // Definieer titel van de post
'post_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // Voeg publicatiedatum toe
'post_author' => $user_ID, // Definieer de klant als auteur
'post_type' => 'groeiproces', // Definieer CPT
'post_status' => 'publish', // Publiceer post
$post_id = wp_insert_post($new_post);
$now = time();
$date_created = $order->get_date_created();
$dt = new DateTime($date_created);
$date = $dt->format('Y-m-d');
$your_date = strtotime($date);
$datediff = $now - $your_date;
$diff = round($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24));
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'datum', $diff );
Thanks men! Was able to get it working. Really appreciate your help!
So how can I combine that with my current code. Because this is a different field it shouldn’t be part of the repeater field. Could you help me on that?
Could you give me an insight how I can implement this in my code. I am not that advanced in PHP yet.
Thanks John, I was able to upgrade my code using an array eventually.
function create_post_after_order( $order_id ) {
if ( $order_id instanceof WC_Order ){
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
$order_items = $order->get_items();
foreach ( $order_items as $item_id => $item_data ) {
$product = $item_data->get_product();
$qty.= $item_data->get_quantity();
$name.= $product->get_name();
$new_post = array(
'post_title' => "Order {$order_id}",
'post_content' => $content,
'post_status' => 'private',
'post_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'post_author' => $user_ID,
'post_type' => 'groeiproces',
'post_status' => 'publish',
$post_id = wp_insert_post($new_post);
// repeater field with multiple subfields
$class_field_key = 'field_61645b866cbd6';
$class_subfield_name = 'field_61645b916cbd7';
$class_subfield_colour = 'field_6165450699ffa';
$class_names = array($name,$name);
$class_colours = array($qty,$qty);
foreach ($class_names as $index => $class_names) {
$class_value[] = array($class_subfield_name => $class_names, $class_subfield_colour => $class_colours[$index]);
update_field( $class_field_key, $class_value, $post_id );
add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'create_post_after_order', 10, 1 );
Right now the only problem is that this combines the values in one field. e.g.
Does anyone know how to split those values and save them separated. e.g.
Product1 1
Product2 1
Thanks in advance!
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