Hey James,
That did the trick! Thanks!
I’ve implemented this as outlined in the link but when you collapse an item the title loses the sub_field data until you refresh the page again. Screengrab attached and my code below:
function my_acf_flexible_content_layout_title( $title, $field, $layout, $i ) {
if( $text = get_sub_field('anchor_name') ) {
$title = '<strong>' . $text . '</strong> - <em>'.$title.'</em>';
return $title;
add_filter('acf/fields/flexible_content/layout_title/name=content_blocks', 'my_acf_flexible_content_layout_title', 10, 4);
This is problematic since users will likely collapse as they go and then re-order.
Any idea why this is happening?
Ok I think I figured it out:
It’s not ACF breaking it, though it’s related. ‘wp_update_term’ if you don’t specify a value for an argument it uses the default. So my guess is it’s grabbing what’s in the database already and overriding what you’ve specified in the form.
A work-around, is instead of using the ‘wp_update_term’ function is to just do:
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->update($wpdb->terms, array('term_group' => $value), array('term_id'=>$term_id));