

Forum Replies Created

  • @bosoxbill No, you can try with my JSON fields above

  • This is my JSON fields export :

            "key": "group_5aa5895baf14e",
            "title": "Galerie",
            "fields": [
                    "key": "field_5aa58afaead97",
                    "label": "Images",
                    "name": "images",
                    "type": "gallery",
                    "instructions": "",
                    "required": 0,
                    "conditional_logic": 0,
                    "wrapper": {
                        "width": "",
                        "class": "",
                        "id": ""
                    "min": "",
                    "max": "",
                    "insert": "append",
                    "library": "uploadedTo",
                    "min_width": "",
                    "min_height": "",
                    "min_size": "",
                    "max_width": "",
                    "max_height": "",
                    "max_size": "",
                    "mime_types": "jpg,jpeg"
                    "key": "field_5aa58c6d1857a",
                    "label": "Nombre de tirages",
                    "name": "nbr_tirages",
                    "type": "number",
                    "instructions": "",
                    "required": 0,
                    "conditional_logic": 0,
                    "wrapper": {
                        "width": "",
                        "class": "",
                        "id": ""
                    "default_value": "",
                    "placeholder": "",
                    "prepend": "",
                    "append": "",
                    "min": "",
                    "max": "",
                    "step": ""
            "location": [
                        "param": "post_type",
                        "operator": "==",
                        "value": "projets"
            "menu_order": 0,
            "position": "normal",
            "style": "default",
            "label_placement": "top",
            "instruction_placement": "label",
            "hide_on_screen": "",
            "active": 1,
            "description": ""
            "key": "group_5aa58c0355671",
            "title": "Image",
            "fields": [
                    "key": "field_5aa58dde15eb3",
                    "label": "Numéro de tirage",
                    "name": "no_tirage",
                    "type": "number",
                    "instructions": "",
                    "required": 0,
                    "conditional_logic": 0,
                    "wrapper": {
                        "width": "",
                        "class": "",
                        "id": ""
                    "default_value": "",
                    "placeholder": "",
                    "prepend": "",
                    "append": "",
                    "min": "",
                    "max": "",
                    "step": ""
            "location": [
                        "param": "attachment",
                        "operator": "==",
                        "value": "image\/jpeg"
            "menu_order": 0,
            "position": "normal",
            "style": "default",
            "label_placement": "top",
            "instruction_placement": "label",
            "hide_on_screen": "",
            "active": 1,
            "description": ""

    And my function.php custom post type code :

        function wpm_custom_post_type() {
        	$labels = array(
        		'name'                => _x( 'Projet', 'Post Type General Name'),
        		'singular_name'       => _x( 'Projets', 'Post Type Singular Name'),
        		'menu_name'           => __( 'Projets'),
        		'all_items'           => __( 'Tous les projets'),
        		'view_item'           => __( 'Voir les projets'),
        		'add_new_item'        => __( 'Ajouter un nouveau projet'),
        		'add_new'             => __( 'Ajouter'),
        		'edit_item'           => __( 'Editer le projet'),
        		'update_item'         => __( 'Modifier le projet'),
        		'search_items'        => __( 'Rechercher un projet'),
        		'not_found'           => __( 'Non trouvé'),
        		'not_found_in_trash'  => __( 'Non trouvé dans la corbeille'),
        	$args = array(
        		'label'               => __( 'Projets'),
        		'description'         => __( ''),
        		'labels'              => $labels,
        		//'register_meta_box_cb'	=> 'bar',
    			//'supports'            => array( 'title', 'editor', 'excerpt', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'comments', 'revisions', 'custom-fields', ),
        		'hierarchical'        => false,
        		'public'              => true,
        		'has_archive'         => true,
        		'rewrite'			  => array( 'slug' => 'projets'),
        	register_post_type( 'projets', $args );
        add_action( 'init', 'wpm_custom_post_type', 0 );
  • @bosoxbill nope… count(null) = null…
    If i set manually a post ID on get_field it returns correctly the ‘project_total_prints’ value :
    $project_total_prints = get_field('project_total_prints', 105 );
    But i can’t get the post object dynamically in acf/prepare_field filter…
    global $post and $_GET[‘post’] don’t work

  • @bosoxbill Thx for your help
    get_field(‘project_total_prints’) return null
    I think it’s because the ‘print_nbr’ field is loaded in the gallery field type on the post edit page…

  • @bosoxbill “project_total_prints” is a number field
    Counting the number of images is not useful here because I can upload other images that are not part of the numbered series…

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