

Forum Replies Created

  • I Tried to change the last query with this one

    			// An array of arguments
    			$args = array(
    				'post_status'    => 'publish',
    				'post_type'      => 'show-item',
    				'posts_per_page' => $params['number_of_items'],
    				'orderby'		 => $params['orderby'],
    				'order'          => $params['order'],
    				'meta_query' => array( // WordPress has all the results, now, return only the events after today's date
    	                'key' => 'date_de_debut', // Check the start date field
    	                'value' => date("Y-m-d"), // Set today's date (note the similar format)
    	                'compare' => '>=', // Return the ones greater than today's date
    	                'type' => 'DATE' // Let WordPress know we're working with date
    			$field = get_field('date_de_debut');
    			if (!empty ($field)) {
    				$args['meta_key'] = 'date_de_debut';
    				$args['orderby'] = 'meta_value';
    			// The Query
    			$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    			// The Loop
    			if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
    			while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); 
    			    $single_params = array();
    					$single_params['title_tag'] = $title_tag;
    					$single_params['show_single_layout'] = $show_single_layout;
    					$single_params['show_id'] = get_the_ID();
    					$single_params['article_classes'] = $this_object->getArticleClasses( $params );
    					$single_params['show_category'] = $show_category;
    					$single_params['show_date_range'] = $show_date_range;
    					$single_params['image_proportions'] = $image_proportions;
    					echo musea_elated_execute_shortcode('eltdf_show_single', $single_params);
    			} else {
    			    esc_html_e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'musea-shows' );
    			/* Restore original Post Data */

    Butsame problem. Any idea?

  • Oh yeah sorry this is the real query

    				while ( $query_results->have_posts() ) : $query_results->the_post();
    					$single_params = array();
    					$single_params['title_tag'] = $title_tag;
    					$single_params['show_single_layout'] = $show_single_layout;
    					$single_params['show_id'] = get_the_ID();
    					$single_params['article_classes'] = $this_object->getArticleClasses( $params );
    					$single_params['show_category'] = $show_category;
    					$single_params['show_date_range'] = $show_date_range;
    					$single_params['image_proportions'] = $image_proportions;
    					echo musea_elated_execute_shortcode('eltdf_show_single', $single_params);
    				esc_html_e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'musea-shows' );
  • $query_array = array(
       'post_status'    => 'publish',
       'post_type'      => 'show-item',
       'posts_per_page' => $params['number_of_items'],
       'meta_key'	    => 'date_de_debut',
       'orderby'	    => 'meta_value',
       'order'          => $params['order']

    This code works well. The only problem is that the order posts does not match the criteria so it returns: no post match your criteria.

    I just need to change the orderby and the meta_key if get_field(‘date_de_debut) is not empty

  • yeah this is not the output but it takes tu arguments here:

    public function getQueryArray($params){
    		$query_array = array(
    			'post_status'    => 'publish',
    			'post_type'      => 'show-item',
    			'posts_per_page' => $params['number_of_items'],
    			'orderby'        => $params['orderby'],
    			'order'          => $params['order']
    		$field = get_field('date_de_debut');
    		if (!empty ($field)) {
    			$query_array['meta_key'] = 'date_de_debut';
    			$query_array['orderby'] = 'meta_value';

    So there is probably a solution there !

  • It comes from a theme that we bought 🙂

    public function render($atts, $content = null) {
            $args = array(
    	        'type'                      => 'gallery',
    	        'number_of_columns'         => '3',
                'space_between_items'       => 'normal',
    	        'number_of_items'           => '-1',
                'category'                  => '',
                'selected_shows'            => '',
    	        'title_tag'                 => 'h5',
    	        'image_proportions'         => 'full',
    	        'enable_fixed_proportions'  => 'no',
    	        'show_category'             => 'no',
    	        'show_date_range'           => 'no',
                'orderby'                   => 'date',
                'order'                     => 'ASC',
    	        'show_single_layout'        => 'info-bellow',
    	        'show_slider'               => 'no',
    	        'slider_navigation'	        => 'no',
    	        'slider_pagination'	        => 'no',
    	        'pagination_type'          => 'standard',
    	        'load_more_top_margin'     => '',
    	        'slider_autoplay'       => 'no'
    		$params = shortcode_atts($args, $atts);
    	     * @params query_results
    	     * @params holder_data
    	     * @params holder_classes
    		$additional_params = array();
    		$query_array = $this->getQueryArray($params);
    		$query_results = new \WP_Query($query_array);
    	    $additional_params['query_results'] = $query_results;
    	    $additional_params['holder_data']          = musea_elated_get_holder_data_for_cpt( $params, $additional_params );
    	    $additional_params['holder_classes'] = $this->getHolderClasses($params, $args);
    	    $additional_params['inner_classes']  = $this->getInnerClasses($params);
    	    $additional_params['data_attrs']     = $this->getDataAttribute($params);
    	    $params['this_object'] = $this;
    	    $html = musea_shows_get_cpt_shortcode_module_template_part('shows', 'show-list', 'show-holder', $params['type'], $params, $additional_params);
            return $html;
        * Generates show list query attribute array
        * @param $params
        * @return array
    	public function getQueryArray($params){
    		$query_array = array(
    			'post_status'    => 'publish',
    			'post_type'      => 'show-item',
    			'posts_per_page' => $params['number_of_items'],
    			'orderby'        => $params['orderby'],
    			'order'          => $params['order']
    		$field = get_field('date_de_debut');
    		if (!empty ($field)) {
    			$query_array['meta_key'] = 'date_de_debut';
    			$query_array['orderby'] = 'meta_value';
    			$query_array['show-category'] = $params['category'];
    		$show_ids = null;
    		if (!empty($params['selected_shows'])) {
                $show_ids = explode(',', $params['selected_shows']);
    			$query_array['post__in'] = $show_ids;
    		if ( ! empty( $params['next_page'] ) ) {
    			$query_array['paged'] = $params['next_page'];
    		} else {
    			$query_array['paged'] = 1;
    		return $query_array;
    	public function getLoadMoreStyles( $params ) {
    		$styles = array();
    		if ( ! empty( $params['load_more_top_margin'] ) ) {
    			$margin = $params['load_more_top_margin'];
    			if ( musea_elated_string_ends_with( $margin, '%' ) || musea_elated_string_ends_with( $margin, 'px' ) ) {
    				$styles[] = 'margin-top: ' . $margin;
    			} else {
    				$styles[] = 'margin-top: ' . musea_elated_filter_px( $margin ) . 'px';
    		return implode( ';', $styles );
  • Yeah ! It’s working well with both code 🙂
    The only problem is here
    $value = get_field(‘date_de_debut’);

    I think that $value is always empty.

    An other example if I use this:

    $value = get_field('date_de_debut');
    if (empty($value)) {
    $query_array[‘meta_key’] = ‘date_de_debut’;
    $query_array[‘orderby’] = ‘meta_value’;$

    The order change and works well according to the meta_key ‘date_de_debut’

  • They all have a value, this snippet replace the existing value

    if (get_field(‘date_de_debut’)) {
    $query_array[‘meta_key’] = ‘date_de_debut’;
    $query_array[‘orderby’] = ‘meta_value’;

    I think this has to be with the post ID. But why is it working if I use this:
    $query_array = array(
    ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
    ‘post_type’ => ‘show-item’,
    ‘posts_per_page’ => $params[‘number_of_items’],
    ‘orderby’ => ‘meta_value’,
    ‘meta_key’ => ‘date_de_debut’,
    ‘order’ => $params[‘order’]

  • It’s working well with the IF condition so this is not the problem 🙂 The problem is that the variable is always empty even if I ise get_field() or the_field() 🙂

    If I use this code like this (without the if) it’s ordering like a charm !

    $query_array = array(
    ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
    ‘post_type’ => ‘show-item’,
    ‘posts_per_page’ => $params[‘number_of_items’],
    ‘orderby’ => $params[‘orderby’],
    ‘order’ => $params[‘order’]
    $query_array[‘meta_key’] = ‘date_de_debut’;
    $query_array[‘orderby’] = ‘meta_value’;
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