That is correct. I just got it though. So I changed the link to a text field.
then added this to the child theme functions file:
add_shortcode( 'itinerary_link', 'shortcode_itinerary_link');
function shortcode_itinerary_link(){
$link_variable = get_field('the_itinerary_link');
$link = '<a href='.$link_variable.' class="button--gold3" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Itinerary</a>';
return $link;
and added the shortcode in place of the button in the code module:
<div id="request_form">
<a href="#iframe-popup" class="button--gold3 open-iframe-popup">Register</a>
Thank you for responding. I tried your suggestion and it did not seem to work. Currently, I’ve modified the function as it is shown above but it’s still not working.
Is this not possible to pull the link to href= in a code module?