

Forum Replies Created

  • Made a relationship on the user and via PHP code I check if the relationship ID equal to the current CPT single page. If it is, I override $the_content and display a restriction message.

    Thanks for helping !

  • Thanks for your answer !

    I’ve setup a relationship field filtered with my CPT, displayed on the add/edit form of a user.

    I can now see this field and select one or multiple page of my CPT for each user.

    I will now have to check via PHP if a user have restriction on a specific page.
    This field will also be edited via API from my CRM, from what I saw in your documentation, it’s possible.

    Is it the good way to go ?

  • Oh okay so for you the best way to do this is to add a normal field on my post ? Or a field on my users ?

    I use ACF on this CPT, to display all info on each post.

  • Thanks for the answer !

    so basically I need to restrict specific post consultation (not edition), to specific user.

    Nothing related to admin/edition, just be able to see a specific post for a end user.

    I was thinking of using ACF to help me doing that (putting user’s ID into a repeater field), but if you said it’s not the right way, I should maybe continue my research on how to do it.

    But I want to restrict the post on my web page, nothing related to edition of ACF and/or edit the post, only admin will do that.

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