@Svenni: 4.1.8 works but unfortunately I need 4.2… Thanks again for the hint.
@elliot: By the way thank you for this great plugin. It is one of my favorites! For now I can work with this issue (page is under construction for the next 3-4 weeks) and just hope that you get it fixed in the next update 🙂 Thank you!
@Svenni: Thank you for the hint! I hope for an update before the release of my page 🙂
I will make a test with 4.1.8
Ok i put some screenshots in it. It is in german but it should be clear what I mean.
First I created a radio button field:
Then I created some Tabs that should only appear if the radio button “Eigene Spartenseite” is clicked
Then on first load of the custom post I see this:
the tabs are visible.
This is how it should look like and it looks like when I click on an other radio button… and then again on the “interner link” button
hope you understand what I mean. Sorry if my wording was wrong.
Thank you for your help!
Thank you for the fast reply.
There are no JS errors. The tabs are still not hidden.
A second thing is on an other conditional login first time load form. I have other fields that only should show up if the page is a child page. On first load of that page (OK on change of the page position as a child of…) they apear as they should but some of them should only be visible if a checkbox is clicked but they are visible on start. As it is with the tabs with a click on a chekcbox makes everything works well. On reload again the same issue.
I think it is because on first load or reload the hide class is not set. But why?
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