

Forum Replies Created

  • A good friend on mine solved the issue. Here is the working code:

    // Use 1 column layout for art series with one work ACF based 
    function vv_custom_cat_layout( $options ) {
    	$terms = get_terms([
    		'taxonomy' 		=> 'product_cat',
    		'hide_empty' 	=> true,
    		'meta_query' 	=> [
    			'key'		=> 'series_one_work',
    			'value'		=> 1
       	$AcfFilter = [];
    	foreach($terms as $term)
    		array_push($AcfFilter, $term->slug); // i'm never sure if is term_name or just name, sorry
    	if ( is_product_category( $AcfFilter ) )
    		$options['columns'] = 1;
    	return $options;
    add_filter( 'option_generate_woocommerce_settings','vv_custom_cat_layout' );

    Thanks @vverner for all your help! really appreciated.

  • Not working yet…

    I tested with name, term_name and $term->slug. Nothing works.
    I tried writing the slug manually, for example
    if ( is_product_category( 'biota') )$options['columns'] = 1;

    and it works, so the problem might be in the array_push?

  • Thanks so much @vverner!

    I tested with:

    'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',


    'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',

    But is not working. Remember this is a WooCommerce product category…

    Here are the other values:

    'hide_empty' 	=> true,
    'meta_key'	=> 'series_one_work',
    'meta_value'	=> '1'

    Any other suggestion?

  • Thank you, I tried a few options but I am doing something wrong…
    I get the 1 column layout applied to every category

    /*Use 1 column layout for art series with one work*/
    add_filter( 'option_generate_woocommerce_settings','lh_custom_category_wc_columns' );
    function lh_custom_category_wc_columns( $options ) {
        if (  $query->query_vars['product_cat']  ) {
    		$query->set('meta_key', 'series_one_work');
    		$query->set('meta_value', '1');
            $options['columns'] = 1;
        return $options;
    Thanks a lot, I was becoming crazy trying to make it work.

    So I guess I don’t need to use anything extra to get the gallery values into the script, right?
    And could it be possible to load different image sizes depending on the device? I guess this is a question for Backstrech forum or Zurb Foundation (I use a theme based on Zurb Foundation)

    Anyway, this is the working code in case anyone wants to do something similar
    Note: This gallery field is part of a options page, and jQuery Backstrech needs to be enqueued.

    // Get the ACF gallery images
    $images = get_field('slideshow_gallery', 'option');
      //Backstretch slideshow
      // Duration is the amount of time in between slides,
      // and fade is value that determines how quickly the next image will fade in
    foreach( $images as $image ) {
        echo '"' . $image['url'] . '",';
    ], {
    	duration: 3000, 
    	fade: 750
  • Thanks @James
    I am not a programmer and I don’t really understand how this can be done.

    The main problem for me is how to get an array of image URLs from the gallery field (it is part of a Options page) and how to make them a variable. I checked how a WP gallery shortcode is done but instead of the IDs I need the URL. I also tried using implode to add commas between values, but couldn’t make it work.

    Could you please guide me into the right direction to solve this??

    My not-working code is below. Thanks!

    <!-- trying to get the array of URLs -->
    $images = get_field('slideshow_gallery', 'option');
    if( $images ): 
         foreach( $images as $image ): ?>
    		<?php echo $image['url']; ?>,  
    	<?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- Put the URLs inside a div -->
    <div id="dom-target" style="display: none;">
            $output = "image01", "image02", "image03";  //just a test
            echo htmlspecialchars($output); /* You have to escape because the result will not be valid HTML otherwise. */
    <!-- Put the content into a variable -->
        var div = document.getElementById("dom-target");
        var myData = div.textContent;
    <script> /* Build backstretch slideshow */
      // Duration is the amount of time in between slides,
      // and fade is value that determines how quickly the next image will fade in
      ], {
    	duration: 3000, 
    	fade: 750
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