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  • As this is article comes up a lot in search results, I wanted to add my experiences.

    I prefer coding to plugins whenever it makes sense. Without a plugin, I was not able to search both the post title and the ACF fields for a custom post type. Making changes to functions.php and/or creating a custom WP_Query, I just couldn’t get there.

    Using ACF: Better Search, I found it includes ACF fields on the search result page (search.php) but doesn’t work for custom post types (archive-my_post_type.php) or custom WP_Query.

    I installed Relevanssi and it offers a simple way to include post types and custom fields. I ran the index and it works perfectly for me.

  • I got this to work with ACF Pro 5.8.12, using the above code and code from this answer. Here’s what I added to my functions.php:

    add_filter('acf/load_value/key=field_5eff2f9949765',  'acf_load_my_defaults', 10, 3);
    function acf_load_my_defaults($value, $post_id, $field) {
      if ($value === false) {
        $value = array();
        $value[] = array(
          'field_5eff2fac49766' => 'Example Title One',
          'field_5eff2fbd49767' => 'Some content for this block'
        $value[] = array(
          'field_5eff2fac49766' => 'Example Title Two',
          'field_5eff2fbd49767' => 'Some content for this block'
      return $value;
  • Great support. Same problem, and the solution ‘remove_all_filters()’ did the trick. Thanks, both of you!

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