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    Ok so I’m actually talking about a acf Group that is assigned to a post if the taxonomy term is equal to a specific term.

    Sorry just reading that back, it doesn’t make a lot of sense (if I was able to upload a screengrab initially this would’ve been easier)

    The specific term is what I’m looking for not post. What I meant above is that when I assign a field group to a term i.e. in the acf group location meta box I’m setting:

    Show this field group if Post Taxomony is equal Term(e.g. Web Design)

    This is a custom taxonomy(Services) for a custom post type(Deals) and if I open a Post/Service and set the taxonomy term to Web Design then my field group appears.

    So I’m looking to get the field group that is assigned to Web Design

    This is along the lines of what I was trying but is returning an empty array.
    acf_get_field_groups(array('post_id' => 'term_1293'));

    Sorry for the confusion.

  • Thanksfor your reply I’ve come across that before but that will get me all of the field groups assigned to a post/page/cpt etc I’m looking for the groups assigned to a term. So that why I was guessing at thing like this.

    acf_get_field_groups(array('term_id' => '1293'));

  • Ok so I’m actually talking about a acf Group that is assigned to a post if the taxonomy term is equal to a specific term. Using:

    acf_get_field_groups(array('taxonomy' => 'services');

    I am able to get acf groups assigned to a taxonomy but I want to apply different acf groups(services) to different customs posts(adverts). I can assign the group so when I check a term the relevant acf group meta box appears but I have been unable to get specific groups on the front end.

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