

Forum Replies Created

  • Hi, still experiencing this issue but with some more background to it, this is found in our products-page.php

    {% extends "base.twig" %}
    {% block main %}
    {% if products %}
        <div class="shop-page-wrapper" data-bg="{{ shop_color}}">
            {# <nav class="categories">
                {% include 'partials/filters-nav.twig' %}
            </nav> #}
            <div class="products">
                {% for post in products %}
                    {{ fn('timber_set_product', post) }}
                   {% set hover = function('get_field', 'hover_image', ) %}
                    <a href="{{ }}"  class="product {{ post.class ~ ' width-' ~ width_in_shop }}">
                        <div class="product-img-wrapper">
                            <img class="" src="{{ post.thumbnail.src('shop_catalog') }}"/>
                            <img class="" src="{{ hover.sizes.shop_catalog }}"/>
                        <div class="product-info">
                            <h3 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title">{{ post.post_title }}</h3>
                            <div>{% do action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title') %}</div>
  • Hi John, thanks for your reply. As stated in the original post, we have searched the theme for where that field is used and how. Here is what we found:

    acc-json folder:

    "key": "field_5e2875af54486",
                "label": "Hover Image",
                "name": "hover_image",
                "type": "image",
                "instructions": "",
                "required": 0,
                "conditional_logic": 0,
                "wrapper": {
                    "width": "",
                    "class": "",
                    "id": ""


    .product-img-wrapper img:last-of-type {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        opacity: 0;
        visibility: hidden;
        z-index: 1;
        transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out;
    .product-img-wrapper:hover img:last-of-type {
        opacity: 1;
        visibility: visible;

    Any ideas what could be wrong here?

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