

Forum Replies Created

  • Hi John!
    I got this to work 100%, I had to make a few changes but now works great
    this is the code in case someone needs it,

        if( have_rows('menu_sections') ): ?>
            <ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="" role="tablist">
                <?php $i=0; while ( have_rows('menu_sections') ) : the_row(); ?>
                    $string = sanitize_title( get_sub_field('section_title') );
                    <li role="presentation" <?php if ($i==0) { ?>class="active"<?php } ?>  >
                        <a>" aria-controls="<?php echo $string ?>" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><?php the_sub_field('section_title'); ?></a>
                    <?php $i++; endwhile; ?>
            <div class="tab-content">
                <?php $i=0; while ( have_rows('menu_sections') ) : the_row(); ?>
                    $string = sanitize_title( get_sub_field('section_title') );
                    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane text-left fade <?php if ($i==0) { ?>in active<?php } ?>" id="<?php echo $string; ?>">
                        while (have_rows('section_items')) {
                            // Display each item as a list
                                <li class="list-unstyled"><?php the_sub_field('dish_name'); ?></li>
                                <li class="list-unstyled"><?php the_sub_field('dish_description'); ?></li>
                                <li class="list-unstyled">$<?php the_sub_field('dish_price'); ?></li>
                        } // end while have rows section_items
                    <?php $i++; endwhile; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

    Thanks for all your help.

  • Thanks John,
    Yes everything works great, I will look into Bootstrap and let you know as soon as I find the problem.

    Thank you so much!

  • Thanks John!
    Yes I’ve seen the changes and the only thing I noticed is that when you put one item on each tab works fine but if you add more items to one of them the following one won’t work.
    I think its got something to do with the ID tag.

    I appreciate all your help.
    Thanks very much,

  • I did everything as you specified and got these results,



  • I changed the code to this,

        <!-- Check for parent repeater row -->
        <?php if( have_rows('menu_sections') ): ?>
            <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
                <?php $row = 1; // number rows ?>
                <?php // Step 1: Loop through rows, first displaying tab titles
                while( have_rows('menu_sections') ): the_row();
                    //  ?>
                    <li role="presentation" class="list-unstyled<?php if($row == 1) {echo 'active';}?>">
                                href="#<?php echo $row; ?>"
                            <?php the_sub_field('section_title'); ?>
        <?php if( have_rows('section_items') ): ?>
            <div class="tab-content">
                <?php $row = 1; // number rows ?>
                <?php // Step 2: Loop through rows, now displaying tab contents
                while( have_rows('section_items') ): the_row(); ?>
                    <?php // Display each item as a list ?>
                    <div class="tab-pane <?php if($row == 1) {echo 'active';}?>" id="<?php echo $row; ?>">
                            <li class="list-unstyled"><?php the_sub_field('dish_name'); ?></li>
                            <li class="list-unstyled"><?php the_sub_field('dish_description'); ?></li>
                            <li class="list-unstyled"><?php the_sub_field('dish_price'); ?>
                <?php $row++; endwhile; // (have_rows('section_items') ):?>
        <?php endif; // (have_rows('section_items') ): ?>
            <?php $row++; endwhile; // (have_rows('menu_sections') ):?>
        <?php endif; // (have_rows('menu_sections') ): ?>

    Now it does show the tab content but like this,

    As you can see the second tab is not showing properly,
    I tried to reset the rows but it didn’t work,
    Am I missing something?

    Thanks for all your help.

  • Yes I do have two different repeaters the following is the structure of the fields,

    Repeater Fields

    Thank again,

  • Thanks for your quick response I appreciate the time you’re taking to help out

    I tried reset_rows as you can see in the above code but still didn’t work,
    Do you have any other suggestions?


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