You are right, thanks again John for your expertise 🙂 Works perfectly
Thanks for your reply John.
I can’t seem to get it to work. Was your code to fully replace what I had?
Here is what I am trying to format the results of the relationship field…
– result 1
– result 3
– result 4
– result 2
– result 6
– result 5
etc etc..
But because the user may pick the CPT in random order the results are grouped based on the order selected in the relationship field…
– result 1
– result 2
– result 3
– result 4
– result 5
– result 6
Hope this makes sense?
For anyone who runs into this with same issue, this solution worked for me based on Johns response here… link
$found = false;
$value = date('l');
if( have_rows('opening_hour_settings', 'option') ) {
while( have_rows('opening_hour_settings', 'option')) {
$storeopen = get_sub_field('open_message');
$storeclose = get_sub_field('closed_message');
while( have_rows('opening_hours')) { the_row();
if ($value == get_sub_field('day')) {
$found = true;
echo '<h5>' . $storeopen .'</h5>
<ul class="opentimes">';
//Loop through all opening times for that day
while( have_rows('times') ): the_row();
$open = get_sub_field('open_time');
$close = get_sub_field('close_time');
$times = '<li>' . $open . '-' . $close . '</li>';
echo $times;
echo '</ul>';
//break loop to just display first result
// end while have rows
} // end if have rows
if (!$found) {
echo '<h5>' . $storeclose . '</h5>';
Hi John, thanks so much for your reply. I have read your articles and your possible solution above. I think I need to re-read a few times to try and get my brain around the concept. I think I get it and will try and put it into practice.
Thanks again for your continued help, you’re a champ!!
Thanks John for your reply. I just wanted to check to see if there was a better way of setting up these relationships a bit more automatically which would make things faster and also cut back on input errors 🙂 Looking at my situation could you recommend a better way to achieve this?
I am having same issue, would love to know if you had any success with getting it to work?
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