Thank for the advice.. i’ve hooked it up to acf_post and now it’s working!
Bye 🙂
This is the hook connected to it:
$this->loader->add_action( 'publish_cursussen', $plugin_admin, 'save_cursus_meta', 10, 2);
The problem is that the ACF data is not yet saved. Is there an better hook for this?
Hi there,
Thx for the reply.. ACF is already running as a plugin within my theme. The problem is that this function is getting called before ACF is initialized. I could use get_post_meta to work around this..
but the date format which i am trying to get is saved like this in the database 20170723 and this makes it hard to transfer it back to the correct date format.. You have any advice?
function initialize() {
/* do nothing */
The above function worked for me! thx