Sorry John for this very long delay.
I used pre_get_posts hook for the archive page of my custom type, and change the post order by ACF field as below:
function legal_annonce_single_query( $query ) {
if( is_admin() ) {
return $query;
if(!is_admin() // Doesn't run on admin pages even though I have the above return
&& $query->is_main_query() // Cibler uniquement la requête principale
&& $query->query_vars['post_type'] == 'annoncelegale' // Actionner uniquement pour le post type Annonce légale
$query->set('meta_key','reference_al'); // ACF field Legal notice reference
$query->set('orderby', 'meta_value_num') // / Sort by the specified custom field
$query->set('order', 'DESC'); // / Descending order
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'legal_annonce_single_query' );
But I can’t see how I can alter the query to return the correct post.
Do you have an idea ?
Ok John.
I will try to modify the existing WP_Query tomorrow.
End of the work day for me. 😉
Thank a lot John for your answer,
I’m making slow progress on this rewrite.
but I can’t put the value of my field in my rewrite rule
I want a permalink like this example :
There is the code :
// Custom URL Rewrite with Parameter on WordPress for Legal Notices with reference
add_filter('query_vars', 'annonce_legale_custom_query_var');
function annonce_legale_custom_query_var($vars) {
$vars[] = 'ref_acf';
return $vars;
// Defining the rewrite rule for Legal Announcements
add_action('init', 'annonce_legale_add_rewrite_rule');
function annonce_legale_add_rewrite_rule() {
How can I attribute ref_acf to the ACF field ?
<?php the_field( ‘reference_al’ ); ?>
In advance, thank you for your help.
Hi ACF team,
Do you have time to answer my problem ?
Best Regards,
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