i’m not sure, when this issue started or if it is an issue caused by ACF or WordPress itself.
A while ago the ID set up in the wrapper option, was added ass a class attribute to the body of the wysiwyg editor. Now this is “undefined”. I need that to apply specific CSS to specified wysiwyg fields.
I have the latest WordPress (4.9.8) and the latest ACF Pro installed (5.7.2).
In the past, a wysiwyg field looked like this:
<body id="tinymce" class="mce-content-body acf_content post-type-ber_artikel post-status-draft page-template-default locale-de-de <strong>MY-OWN-WRAPPER-ID</strong> mceContentBody webkit wp-editor html5-captions" data-id="acf-editor-126" contenteditable="true"><p>Lorem Ipsum</p></body>
Now it looks like this:
<body id="tinymce" class="mce-content-body acf_content post-type-ber_artikel post-status-draft page-template-default locale-de-de <strong>undefined</strong> mceContentBody webkit wp-editor html5-captions" data-id="acf-editor-126" contenteditable="true"><p>Lorem Ipsum</p></body>