Hi, having some problems with the wysiwyg field type in that no styling controls (toolbar) are appearing on the field. It does have the ‘Add Media’ button which opens the media library but there are no other controls.
Javascript console outputs zero errors and no other information.
I’ve tried multiple things, removing the field, removing the ACF group, adding them back in but it always behaves the same.
I’m running:
WP 3.6
ACF 4.2.0
ACF Taxonomy 1.4
ACF Flexible Content Field 1.0.2
ACF Options Field 1.2.0
ACF Repeater Field 1.0.1
Error occurs when outside of repeaters/tabs and within.
ACF Setup: http://i.imgur.com/QD9llIV.png
Front-end display: http://i.imgur.com/VQM5HPc.png
Please advise if any more information is required to find resolution.
Hi @davegrant
I don’t think the issue is with the field, but with the page you are trying to use it on.
Please open your console log and watch for an error on the page load.
Any JS error will cause the WYSIWYG to fail render.
What is there error you see?
Hi @elliot, no, there’s no JS errors at all. Console open before page load.
Hi @davegrant
Can you confirm that the user has the wysiwyg editor option enabled in their profile settings?
Perhaps you could post some login details with instructions to view the edit page in question?
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