We are using ACF Pro version 5.7.1
We noticed wrong Arabic translation in lang/acf-ar.po line 2300
#: includes/input.php:263
#, php-format
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "% d مجالات تحتاج إلى اهتمام"
where % d have space in between and it should be
#: includes/input.php:263
#, php-format
msgid "%d fields require attention"
msgstr "%d مجالات تحتاج إلى اهتمام"
Actually going thru the file I found 7 “% d” in the translated section, it must be “%d”.
I have replaced all records in the PO file locally and compiled it to MO and got the desired result.
Hi ahmader,
I currently have the same problem in French. Can you be more specific onto what you’ve changed / fixed?
Not to mention that the translation of “fields” is incorrect. The word fields has more than one meaning.
The word:
means fields as in areas of interest or specialty.
In this context fields should be translated as:
@jvarn Hi! Since answering here, I’ve gotten the pro github access to be a French tranlsator. Maybe I can fix this issue (but only this once, since answering requests here is not my job). Since I don’t speak arabic and don’t know the syntax, I just want to make sure with you before making the change (and fixing the % d error mentioned along the way) :
%d fields require attention
is now
% d مجالات تحتاج إلى اهتمام
and would be more logical as
%d حقول تحتاج إلى اهتمام
Is this right?