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WPML + Option page

  • Hey,

    I would like to use wpml with option page.

    What i did:

    1- option page
    if( function_exists(‘acf_add_options_page’) ) {

    ‘page_title’ => ‘Post settings’,
    ‘menu_title’ => ‘Post settings’,
    ‘menu_slug’ => ‘post-settings’,
    ‘parent_slug’ => ‘edit.php’,
    ‘capability’ => ‘edit_posts’,
    ‘redirect’ => false


    2- i have created acf group ( show when option page = Post settings) + check group field can be translate
    3- duplicate group and modify for second language


    In option page i don’t have flag or link (in infobox) to translate.
    How can i do ?

  • It seems like the options page itself does not contain a language switch in the “publish” section.
    However, you should be able to switch the active language by clicking the flag in the dark toolbar at the very top of the admin area.
    Works perfectly for me on various websites.

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