I’m using Advanced Custom Fields Pro 5.1.2 and WPML
I was playing with switching default language, from English to German. When I set it again to English then complete wp-admin area is again English except ACF. For example link in left menu reads Eigene Felder instead of Custom fields, when I click on it all content and labels are still in German, dropdowns (Post Object, Page link, Repeater field) where you define each field are in German.
Under WPML > Languages default language is set to English, Admin language is set to English. Language under Users > My Profile is set to English.
I also cleared all browser cookies.
So somewhere in DB it must be stored that I switched default language to German at some point.
As there was no reply for over one month for this big issue with your plugin, my client decided to migrate site to Types plugin.
Same issue for me.
ACF backend always in frech : even if i switched language in “Profile” section or WPML admin language.
Hi stuck here as well.
need to change the language so my developers can work in english
can you please advice ?