I’m currently trying to set up a custom smart tag on WP Forms using an ACF Link Type Field setup with Array.
This process works fine for text based fields, but I’m having problems returning any value because it’s a link field and therefore need to capture URL value.
For extra context, the WP Form is inside a single product page, and it should capture the value, but I can’t seem to get it to work. The field I’m trying to default fill with a smart tag just remains blank.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
if ("home_report_url" === $tag) {
$homereportlink = get_field_object("home_report_url", get_the_ID());
if($homereportlink) {$home_link_url = $homereportlink['url'];}
$content = str_replace("{home_report_url}", $home_link_url, $content);
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function wpf_dev_register_smarttag($tags) {
$tags["home_report_url"] = "Home Report URL";
return $tags;
add_filter("wpforms_smart_tags", "wpf_dev_register_smarttag");
function wpf_dev_process_smarttag($content, $tag) {
if ("home_report_url" === $tag) {
$homereportlink = get_field_object("home_report_url", get_the_ID());
if($homereportlink) {$home_link_url = $homereportlink['url'];}
$content = str_replace("{home_report_url}", $home_link_url, $content);
return $content;
add_filter("wpforms_smart_tag_process", "wpf_dev_process_smarttag", 10, 2);