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wp_postmeta table too large

  • I have created a site that relies heavily on the ACF plugin. The site utilizes the ACF plugin to create a theme switcher on the site that allows you to dramtically change the look and feel throughout the site. Basically you choose what type of theme you want to display and then it displays a variety of ACF fields that are different for each theme. This has caused the wp_postmeta table to have over 400,000 rows in it. I’m hearing from GoDaddy that because the table is so large Apache is crashing and causing my site to go down. Any thoughts on this or how I can fix the issue?

  • Hi @psasser

    Sorry to hear about the issue, but no, I don’t have any thoughts on a fix.

    the wp_postmeta table is not built for mass data, but perhaps considering upgrading your server may help?

    Also, using a caching plugin to page cache would prevent the need to search the DB on each page load.. But I’m not sure how this would cope with the dynamic theme switching…

    Sorry I can’t be of much help on this one.


  • Thanks elliot for the quick reply. I installed wp_supercache plugin so hopefully that will make a difference. I don’t know if the server can really be upgraded anymore, we already have a dedicated server through GoDaddy. They haven’t been very helpful to narrow down on why the issue is occurring, except to say wp_postmeta is too large.

    So do most people not use the ACF plugin to build projects that are this complex? Are other people having similar issues?

    Should I look at rebuilding in some other way? ACF works great, but the site can’t keep crashing.

  • Hi @psasser

    Something of this scale needs either caching or a more powerful scaleable server. Go Daddy is quite a cheap option and their servers are not very powerful. I hope this doesn’t offend you.

    I would consider looking at WP engine, site5, or perhaps even amazon?


  • Not offensive at all. As I said before I have wp_supercache installed. Is that a good caching solution or is there something better out there.

    Thanks again for the support.

  • Hi @psasser

    Super cache is fine, perhaps you need to configure the setting for db/page cache?
    Also, try a plugin called ‘WP optimise’ or something like that. It will go through the DB and remove old data which is wasting space such as revisions.

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