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wp localize script and jquery

  • Hello,

    I created field and working fine in post and showing where I want for product:

     <div class="class_field">
      <?php if( get_field('custom_field') ): ?>
        <h4>Somme text: <?php the_field('custom_filed'); ?></h4>
      <?php endif; ?>

    An now I want this custom field showing with jQuery on different part of page, because I can’t access to print formated %1$s, %2$s, %3$s with php.

    In child theme function I have wp_localized_script

      function pw_load_scripts() {
    	wp_enqueue_script('pw-script', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/custom_field.js');
    	wp_localize_script('pw-script', 'pw_php_vars', array(
    			'custom_filed' => custom_filed
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'pw_load_scripts');

    and in custom_field.js


    and it doesn’t work. Can you help me with some directions?

    Thanks for help,


  • try change order of commands. This is my working example:

    function enqueue_scripts()
        $params = array ( 'someparam' => get_field('field_name', 'options') );
        wp_register_script('scripts', 'js/scripts.js', array('jquery'), false, false);
        wp_localize_script( 'scripts', 'params', $params );
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_scripts');
  • Hello,

    thanks for answer,

    I try now:

    function pw_load_scripts() {
            wp_register_script('pw-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/public/js/custom_filed.js', array('jquery'));
    	wp_localize_script('pw-script', 'pw_php_vars', array(
    			'custom_filed' => custom_filed
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'pw_load_scripts');

    and still getting text custom_field instead of value. Is maybe problem with jquery?

    I try with append and html

    Thanks for help,


  • Perhaps this is not the case. The first message shows that you created a field for a specific post. If you are trying to access this field from another template, then you need to use additionally the id of this post.

    in post
    <h4>Somme text: <?php the_field('custom_filed'); ?></h4>

    outside this post
    <h4>Somme text: <?php the_field('custom_filed', $post_id); ?></h4>

    <h4>Somme text: <?php the_field('custom_filed', 10); ?></h4> where 10 is ID of post

  • Hello,

    thanks but I create date and another custom field which works in product:

    and now I want show this field also in grid:

    Post type for cruises is only one in ACF: sizexploore_crusie.

    I add manualy to product template:

    <div class="class_field">
      <?php if( get_field('custom_field') ): ?>
        <h4>Somme text: <?php the_field('custom_filed'); ?></h4>
      <?php endif; ?>

    But can’t add it on grid template, because of printf formated %1$s, %2$s, %3$s which don’t accept php because is html array, so I try to add this field to price with jQuery …

  • I don’t understand what you want to do )))) and why you try use %1$s, %2$s, %3$s

  • Hello, I’m yust saying that I can’t access to grid template (because of html array) as I can on product/single cruise template so I must access with jquery to add this field to grid template and I don’t know why doesn’t work…

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