I am using wp-json to get all custom posts with acf fields.
I have set a image field with URL as return format but everytime I only get the ID, same for array.
"id": 26590,
"title": {
"rendered": "title test"
"categories": [
"acf": {
"outside_image": 26898, // this should be image url
"title": "Silver",
"colour": "#C5C7C5"
Is it me doing something wrong or is this a bug?
I’m having a similar issue. My ACF image field is set to return the URL but when I call the field from a twig template I get back an integer, which I think is the ID number.
looks like value is empty/null for all, image not getting stored
return_format: “url”
type: “image”
value: “null”
removed all my custom posts and did a import with WP All Import Pro, now I have image urls in rest api but when I open the post, I cant see the image there
I’ve had a look at the actual database entry for my custom field in wp_postmeta
The meta_value is being stored as an integer rather than as a URL.