I’ve just installed the Repeater plugin and I’m encountering an issue in the back-end. Seems a javascript conflict.
ACF 4.3.4
ACF Repeater 1.1.0
WP 3.8.1
The issue does not happen on any other admin pages, including posts/pages. When on a page using the repeater, all the upload/media buttons are broken but trying to upload an image into the repeater is impossible as the button does nothing.
In the console, I’m getting:
ReferenceError: wp is not defined
Anyone else had any issues like this on post pages?
Hi @phil.owen
Can you please attach the full error including line number, etc.
What admin pages does this console error appear?
I’m getting this on all edit pages and posts (even if no custom fields associated on those types)
["jQuery.attrFn is deprecated", "jQuery.browser is deprecated"]
"jQuery.attrFn is deprecated"
"jQuery.browser is deprecated"
On the post edit screens, I get acf-loading icons constantly spinning where acf fields would normally come in. It hangs forever and also disables all standard WP functionality eg, add featured image, switch between Visual or Text etc. Screen tab at top… nothing works/appears.
Hi @phil.owen
Do the warnings go away when ACF is disabled? I have a feeling that these errors are not coming from ACF.
I had a similar error but it was in the admin. I deactivated the WooDojo plugin and it fixed the problem so you may have to deactivate each plugin and retest to see if one is causing the error.