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WP admin ajax load repeater fields

  • Hi,

    I usually have a large number of repeater rows (80 – 100), each with several fields, used for my WooCommerce product, and this is substantially slowing down the administration product load times and also adding a new row takes a few seconds. I was trying to setup ajax loading for these fields, but couldn’t figure it out.

    Would this be possible? What is the best way to optimalize loading speeds in admin?


  • The ACF repeater in the newest versions (>= 6.0) has a pagination feature that will limit the number of rows loaded at a time and let you page through them

  • Hi @hube2 , thank you for your response. Im aware of the pagination feature, and while it does speed up loading times, it’s not a viable solution as it completely removes the search ability within the repeater fields.

    Do you have any suggestions on Ajax loading the repeater fields?

  • Search feature in the repeater field? The ACF repeater field does not have a search feature. This must be from another plugin.

    No, there isn’t any solution that I know of to use ajax on repeater fields that I know of other than the pagination feature.

  • @hube2 no, acf does not have a search feature, but you browser does. Browser searching repeater fields is not possible with pagination.

  • okay, that makes sense. But I still don’t have a solution better solution. This was the solution that the developers came up with for large repeaters.

    A solution might be possible, but it would not be easy. I would start by looking at the repeater JS code and see how ACF is getting the pages. You could potentially add a new button that loads more rows without removing the previous rows. You’ll fine ACF’s code in /advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/build/js/pro/acf-pro-input.js starting on line 1162.

    I know of no existing solutions.

    You might want to suggest adding a search feature or contact the devs or maybe even opening a support ticket.

    ACF repeaters and flex fields have always had a scalability issue. This is something that is not pointed out in the docs but it should be along with suggestions on better ways to manage large amounts data.

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