I miss features, that would work with hierarchical taxonomy depth. It is very easy to get the depth for the term – just count get_ancestors( $term_id, ‘custom-taxonomy-slug’ ) (+ 1 if you want to start from, not zero, for the top level).
For example:
Field conditional logic:
– show this field only if the term in [other-field] is level 1
Location rule:
– show this field group only on terms on top level (typically for setting up some category images for top level categories)
Field options:
– allow to select only levels higher then 1
– display only top level categories
And also working with parent/child relationship
Display subcategories of [other field with top level category] – so making dependant select boxes.
The developers of ACF don’t generally watch these forums. You should send them your feature request by contacting them or submitting a ticket on your account if you have a Pro License.