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WooCommerce Variation Gallery Deletes Other Field

  • Hi All,

    Really hoping someone can help. I’ve got the following code:

    # Add "Product Variation" location rule values
    function wp_acf_location_rule_values_post_type($choices){
    	$keys = array_keys($choices);
    	$index = array_search('product', $keys);
    	$position = $index === false ? count($choices) : $index + 1;
    	$choices = array_merge(
    		array_slice($choices, 0, $position),
    		array('product_variation' => __('Product Variation', 'auf')),
    		array_slice($choices, $position)
    	return $choices;
    add_filter('acf/location/rule_values/post_type', 'wp_acf_location_rule_values_post_type');
    # Add "Product Variation" location rule match
    function wp__acf_location_rule_match_post_type($match, $rule, $options, $field_group){
    	if ($rule['value'] == 'product_variation') {
    		$post_type = $options['post_type'];
    		if ($rule['operator'] == "==")
    			$match = $post_type == $rule['value'];
    		elseif ($rule['operator'] == "!=")
    			$match = $post_type != $rule['value'];
    	return $match;
    add_filter('acf/location/rule_match/post_type', 'wp__acf_location_rule_match_post_type', 10, 4);
    # Render fields at the bottom of variations - does not account for field group order or placement.
    add_action( 'woocommerce_product_after_variable_attributes', function( $loop, $variation_data, $variation ) {
        global $wp_i; // Custom global variable to monitor index
        $wp_i = $loop;
        // Add filter to update field name
        add_filter( 'acf/prepare_field', 'acf_prepare_field_update_field_name' );
        // Loop through all field groups
        $acf_field_groups = acf_get_field_groups();
        foreach( $acf_field_groups as $acf_field_group ) {
            foreach( $acf_field_group['location'] as $group_locations ) {
                foreach( $group_locations as $rule ) {
                    // See if field Group has at least one post_type = Variations rule - does not validate other rules
                    if( $rule['param'] == 'post_type' && $rule['operator'] == '==' && $rule['value'] == 'product_variation' ) {
                        // Render field Group
                        acf_render_fields( $variation->ID, acf_get_fields( $acf_field_group ) );
                        break 2;
        // Remove filter
        remove_filter( 'acf/prepare_field', 'acf_prepare_field_update_field_name' );
    }, 10, 3 );
    // Filter function to update field names
    function  acf_prepare_field_update_field_name( $field ) {
        global $wp_i;
        $field['name'] = preg_replace( '/^acf\[/', "acf[$wp_i][", $field['name'] );
        return $field;
    # Save variation data
    add_action( 'woocommerce_save_product_variation', function( $variation_id, $i = -1 ) {
        // Update all fields for the current variation
        if ( ! empty( $_POST['acf'] ) && is_array( $_POST['acf'] ) && array_key_exists( $i, $_POST['acf'] ) && is_array( ( $fields = $_POST['acf'][ $i ] ) ) ) {
            foreach ( $fields as $key => $val ) {
                update_field( $key, $val, $variation_id );
    }, 10, 2 );
    # Rebind the ACF events after the variations are loaded
    add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', 'wp__acf_input_admin_footer');
    function wp__acf_input_admin_footer() {
        <script type="text/javascript">
          (function($) {
            $(document).on('woocommerce_variations_loaded', function () {
              acf.do_action('append', $('#post'));

    This creates an option when setting up an ACF group, whereby you can then select the WooCommerce Variable product.
    In my case, I’m then adding a gallery

    Editing a product, if I expand the variable products, I can add/edit/save the images – no problems at all.

    I then needed another ACF field for downloads. This is a file field linked to the post type Product (not variable!).

    If I edit my product, add my download and save – all good!

    If I edit my product in any way, then once I click save, the download file removes the attachment.

    Am totally stumped!

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

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