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Why doesn\'t it display anything?

  • Title = County Intro
    Field Label = County Intro
    Field Name = county_intro
    Field Type = Text
    Required? = Yes

    Default Value = What are some issues that concern you? (Default Value)
    Placeholder Text = What are some issues that concern you? (Placeholder Text)

    Location = Show this field group if post category is equal to Washington

    Why doesn’t anything display @ which has the category “Washington”?

  • When you create a field group in ACF it shows the fields in the admin when editing the location where the field groups is attached. The fields do not automatically appear on the front of the site. If you want forms to appear on the front of the site see acf_form(). However, if you’re looking for forms that send replies somewhere then ACF may not be what you’re looking for. ACF is meant for managing and editing content on the site.

  • I’m not creating a form. In this particular case, I just want a block of text – e.g. “Tell us about your community.” – to appear on every post in a certain category.

  • Have you added values in the admin and modified the template for the post to show the values.

  • No, I missed that. Thanks!

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