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Why Are Custom Fields Important?

  • I’ve been exploring different aspects of data management, and I’m curious about the importance of custom fields. Can anyone explain why custom fields are valuable in various contexts, such as database management, project management, or customer relationship management (CRM)?

  • Just without giving much thought:

    1. You can easily filter your data. For example if you created a Real Estate Site, you can now easily have filters to display properties only in a certain area, between price ranges, how many bedrooms, etc… I use the plugin Filter Everything, it gets 10 minutes to get used to, but in the end I can create all the filters that I need without any coding.

    2. You can easily setup front end submissions and front end editing if you wish.

    3. Organize your editing with conditions. For example, the example being a Real Estate site again, if the property is an office building, you can conditionally have a field for how many offices are in the building, while for residential homes, you can have bedrooms instead.

    4. I know that with Gutenberg you can have different templates (patterns) to accomplish #3, but with custom fields, editing the data will be much easier, and less time consuming. Furthermore, if you don’t care for #1 and #2, with ACF Pro you can very easily create ACF custom blocks to structure your data and make editing a simpler task, without accidentally messing up the layout.

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