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Whoops. I lost my JSON file (I only have functions.php code)

  • I developed a website with ACF Pro last year and I want to continue where I left off but I have misplaced my exported JSON file.

    I DO have all the fields in a PHP export (residing in functions.php). However, the fields cannot be edited unless I import all the settings back in from a JSON file. I hope I am making sense.

    Is there an easy way I can convert the PHP to JSON so I can re-import the fields to utilize the visual field editor?

    Many thanks.

  • At the point where your field group is create in PHP and before you call the acf function to register it, json encode it and save it to a file.

    $path = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$group['key'].'.json';
    $json = acf_json_encode($group);
    $handle = fopen($path);
    fwrite($handle, $json, strlen($json));

    that will save the file in the same folder on the server as the script you put this in. Then import the field group from that file.

  • Life saver. Worked like a charm. Big thanks to you sir.

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