Hey looking for suggestions here – I feel like I’m alittle off topic here, my apologies. I have tried several methods, they work but aren’t the prettiest.
I have two custom post types, CPT1 is for content, and CPT2 holds white label information to customize how the content is displayed (company logos, colors, custom links, etc.).
I am setting a cookie for CPT2, so that when the user navigates to CPT1 the info for CPT2 is set. If CPT1 is visited first I can add a URL param that sets the cookie for CPT2 to preserve the branding info.
I’m wondering if a permalink can be configured to be something like [site.com]/cpt2/cpt1. Navigating to [site.com]/cpt2 would open a page for cpt2.
Is there a ACF solution to this?
There isn’t an ACF solution. What you need to do is add custom rewrite rules. The last time I did this I think I used this as a guide https://1fix.io/blog/2016/02/05/parent-from-another-cpt/
Thanks John, I will give this a shot – this looks really promising.