Suppose I uploaded image1.jpg to post1 and also selected that image1.jpg to post2. Is there a way to know that when I open image1.jpg’s attachment page, it will display that it’s uploaded to post1 and post2?
Right now what I’m doing is I added an ACF post object to attachment and manually connect those images to a post but if I have a 100 images, I’ll have to select each and every one of them. If there’s a bulk select right in the ACF gallery upload window, it will be helpful but you have to select 1 by 1.
So if there’s a post ID that’s being inserted on an image once it’s uploaded, I can grab that ID to locate the post and display it on the attachment page.
What I’m trying to achieve is like a related post on an attachment page where you can see different posts that a single image is uploaded using the ACF gallery.
Every image when uploaded it attached to the post it is uploaded to by the post parent. The post is the parent post of the attachment post. When showing the attachment the post it is attached to originally will be in $post->post_parent