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Version setting – odd behaviour saving posts

  • Haven’t gone into the code enough to explain what’s happening, but here were the symptoms.

    Custom Post type tagged with a custom taxonomy. When the post was saved, we have an action on ‘transition_post_status’ which is suppose to build a custom link, for when it goes from draft to publish. When that action was fired, the 3 parameters would read $new_status => publish, $old_status=> draft, $post. The $post=>post_status was ‘draft’, not ‘publish’. Strange.

    The only thing we had changed recently was added ACF. Eventually through commenting out lines, we discovered that on line :64 of acf.php, the

    ‘version’ => ‘5.3.1’,

    value was causing the issue. If we comment it out or use a blank string, the post status reads as publish.


  • Can you update to the latest version 5.3.7? This might be a problem if you’re not on WP 4.5 though do to changes in the way the term editor works now. But updating could solve the problem and if not then seeing code that’s involved would probably help.

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