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Validation for required fields on post status "pending"

  • Hey,

    how can I validate required fields, when the post status is “pending”?

    I have a custom post type for a user role with ACF fields.
    The user role can only save the CPT post as “pending”.
    The admin has to publish the CPT post.

    The user with the specific user role can skip the required fields, because they are not validated on saving as “pending”. So the admin needs to contact the user to fill the required fields.

    Is it possible to validate the fields on status pending?

    Best regards,

  • Is there no way to solve this problem?

    Best regards,

  • You are going to need to contact the developers on this. This is coded into the save post function in ACF. It only does validation if the post status is publish and I cannot find any way to alter this. They would need to add some type of filter or something allow changing this.

    If I recall this was added because most people wanted to allow saving drafts without validation, but that was a long time ago.

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