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V3 to V4 issue displaying custom field type

  • I’m migrating from v3 to v4. I’ve successfully converted the functions as described in the migration guide. And when I go to Custom Fields, my field type appears in the drop down (it’s a choice of checkboxes) with its values, e.g.:

    1 : MA
    2 : CT
    3 : RI

    However, my problem is that when this custom field type is displayed (on a certain page type in the dashboard) I get this message:

    No choices to choose from

    I’m wondering if this has something to do with the fact that I am confused on where to convert the v3 ‘pre_save_field’ function to v4 mechanics. The readme.txt says pre_save_field has been converted to acf_save_field hooks, but I don’t see anything in the docs about acf_save_field.

    Would this have anything to do with the error message? If so, could someone point me in the right direction on how/where to convert v3 pre_save_field?

    Thanks. If it’s helpful here is the v3 pre_save_field function.

    function pre_save_field($field)
    		// defaults
    		$field['choices'] = isset($field['choices']) ? $field['choices'] : '';
    		// vars
    		$new_choices = array();
    		// explode choices from each line
    		if(strpos($field['choices'], "\n") !== false)
    			// found multiple lines, explode it
    			$field['choices'] = explode("\n", $field['choices']);
    			// no multiple lines! 
    			$field['choices'] = array($field['choices']);
    		// key => value
    		foreach($field['choices'] as $choice)
    			if(strpos($choice, ' : ') !== false)
    				$choice = explode(' : ', $choice);
    				$new_choices[trim($choice[0])] = trim($choice[1]);
    				$new_choices[trim($choice)] = trim($choice);
    		// update choices
    		$field['choices'] = $new_choices;
    		// return updated field
    		return $field;
  • Hi @the_enn

    Thanks for the question.
    The function used in v4 is called ‘update_value’. If you take a look at the field type template, you can see the v3 and v4 field types and looking at the comments in the function, you can see the matching functions!


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