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Using WP image sizes with repeater-field

  • Hello,

    can’t get this to work:

    if( have_rows('set-gallery') ) {
        $customer = get_field('set-info-customer');
        $production = get_field('set-info-production');
        $styling = get_field('set-info-styling');
        $location = get_field('set-info-location');
        while ( have_rows('set-gallery') ) { the_row();
            $o = '';
            $img = get_sub_field('set-gallery-img');
            $img_url = $img['sizes']['thumb'];
            $o .= '<li class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 grid-item item-'.$mode.'">';
            $o .= '<a class="open-modal" href="#animatedModal" ic-get-from="detail.html" ic-target=".modal-content" ic-select-from-response="#page" ic-push-url="false">';
            $o .= '<figure>';
            $o .= '<img src="'.$img_url.'"  class="img-responsive">';
            $o .= '<figcaption>';
            $o .= '<ul>';
            if (!empty($customer)) {
            $o .= '<li>Kunde/Auftraggeber:'.$customer.'</li>';
            if (!empty($production)) {
            $o .= '<li>Produktion:'.$production.'</li>';
            if (!empty($styling)) {
            $o .= '<li>Styling:'.$styling.'</li>';
            if (!empty($location)) {
            $o .= '<li>Location:'.$location.'</li>';
            $o .= '<li>'.$description.'</li>';
            $o .= '</ul></figcaption></figure></a></li>';
            echo $o;

    $img seems to be no array?

  • What is the field returning?

    $img = get_sub_field('set-gallery-img');
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