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Using the true/false field to decide if a post is displayed

  • Hello, I am using the ACF plugin and i’ve ran into an issue using the true/false field.

    I basically want to have a true/false option on every post saying whether it should be displayed on a certain page or not.

    Currently This page displays every ‘channel’ post where as I want it to display every ‘channel’ post other than those with the option saying it shouldn’t be display.

    I don’t really have an idea of how I would do this and would greatly appreciate some help.

    This is the code that pulls the post into the page –

    <section id="channels" class="container">
    	<div class="rowOpen clearfix">
        	<div class="twelvecol">
            	<div id="masonary" class="nomargin">
    					$channels = new WP_Query(array('post_type'=> 'channels'));
    					while ($channels->have_posts()) : $channels->the_post(); 				
                        <div class="mason galleryItem">
                            <div class="img-contain border">
                                <a href="<?php the_field('channel_link'); ?>" target="_blank" class="img-shiv">
                                  <?php $image = get_field('channel_logo');
                                        if(!empty($image)) {
                                            $imageResized = vt_resize( '', $image, 183, 183, false );
                                            $imageTitle = get_the_title(); 
                                            echo '<img src="'.$imageResized[url].'" height="'.$imageResized[height].'" width="'.$imageResized[width].'" alt="'.$imageTitle.'" class="statImg" />';
                  <?php endwhile; ?>      

    Thanks in advance, Harry.

  • Hi @harryadf

    Within the loop, but before any ‘cahnnel’ code is output, you can conditionaly check the true_false value and skip the loop if necessary like so:

    <?php while ($channels->have_posts()) : $channels->the_post(); ?>
    	<?php if( ! get_field('true_false_field_name')){ continue; } ?>
    	<?php // channel code here ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
  • I have added it like so –

    <section id="channels" class="container">
    	<div class="rowOpen clearfix">
        	<div class="twelvecol">
            	<div id="masonary" class="nomargin">
    					$channels = new WP_Query(array('post_type'=> 'channels'));
    					while ($channels->have_posts()) : $channels->the_post();
    					if( ! get_field('show_on_channel_page')){ continue; }
                        <div class="mason galleryItem">
                            <div class="img-contain border">
                                <a href="<?php the_field('channel_link'); ?>" target="_blank" class="img-shiv">
                                  <?php $image = get_field('channel_logo');
                                        if(!empty($image)) {
                                            $imageResized = vt_resize( '', $image, 183, 183, false );
                                            $imageTitle = get_the_title(); 
                                            echo '<img src="'.$imageResized[url].'" height="'.$imageResized[height].'" width="'.$imageResized[width].'" alt="'.$imageTitle.'" class="statImg" />';
                  <?php endwhile; ?>      

    and I still can’t seem to get it to work.

    Sorry for my incompetence but i’m fairly new to this.

    Thanks, Harry.

  • <section id="channels" class="container">
    <div class="rowOpen clearfix">
    <div class="twelvecol">
    <div id="masonary" class="nomargin">
    $channels = new WP_Query(array('post_type'=> 'channels'));
    while ($channels->have_posts()) : $channels->the_post();
    if( ! get_field('show_on_channel_page')){ continue; } ?>
    <div class="mason galleryItem">
    <div class="img-contain border">
    <a href="<?php the_field('channel_link'); ?>" target="_blank" class="img-shiv">
    <?php $image = get_field('channel_logo');
    if(!empty($image)) {
    $imageResized = vt_resize( '', $image, 183, 183, false );
    $imageTitle = get_the_title(); 
    echo '<img src="'.$imageResized[url].'" height="'.$imageResized[height].'" width="'.$imageResized[width].'" alt="'.$imageTitle.'" class="statImg" />';
    <?php endwhile; ?>      

    (Thought i’d add it without any indents to make it easier to read)

  • My bad, I had to go through each post and update them one by one, huge thanks for your help and happy holidays!

    Thanks, Harry.

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