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using options page fields for update messages

  • hi there,

    I used add_filter( ‘post_updated_messages’, ‘my_post_update_messages’, 10, 1 ) to change the notification strings when saving custom post types, updating them and so on.

    now I’d like to move these custom messages to an option page so my customer can modify the strings on his own. I give Advanced Custom Fields a try but the strings aren’t available when delivered with that filter.
    is this a prirority issue or does someone has any help for me? thanks in advanced.

  • What is the code you’re using to get the messages from the options page fields?

  • I used stuff like this:

    add_filter( 'post_updated_messages', 'gk_post_update_messages', 10, 1 );
    function gk_post_update_messages( $messages ) {
    	if( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
    		$gk_messages = array();
    		$gk_messages['ww'] = array (
    		     0 => '', // Unused. Messages start at index 1.
    			 1 => sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_1', 'option') ),
    		     2 => sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_2', 'option') ),
    		     3 => sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_3', 'option') ),
    		     4 => sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_4', 'option') ),
    		     5 => isset($_GET['revision']) ? sprintf( sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_5', 'option') ), wp_post_revision_title( (int) $_GET['revision'], false ) ) : false,
    		     6 => sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_6', 'option') ),
    		     7 => sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_7', 'option') ),
    		     8 => sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_8', 'option') ),
    		     9 => sprintf( __( sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_9', 'option') ) . ' <strong>%1$s</strong>.'),
    		        date_i18n( __( 'M j, Y @ G:i' ), strtotime( $post->post_date ) ), esc_url( get_permalink($post_ID) ) ),
    		     10 => sanitize_text_field( get_field('pref_note_ww_10', 'option') )
    	} else {
    		return $messages;
  • addendum: this code is placed in a plugin.

  • Looking at the code you supplied I don’t see any reason that this would not work. What are the settings for your options page?

  • hi John, thanks for you support!

    these are the option page setting I use:

    if( function_exists('acf_add_options_page') ) {
    		'page_title' 	=> 'MySettings',
    		'menu_title'	=> 'MySettings',
    		'menu_slug' 	=> 'my-settings'
  • i digged some more into it: the $gk_messages array from my code example above contains this at the time of editing the custom post type

    [05-May-2019 11:32:59 UTC] write_log debug - context: test
    [05-May-2019 11:32:59 UTC] Array
        [post] => Array
                [0] => 
                [1] => Beitrag aktualisiert. <a href="">Anschauen</a>
                [2] => Benutzerdefiniertes Feld aktualisiert.
                [3] => Benutzerdefiniertes Feld gelöscht.
                [4] => Beitrag aktualisiert.
                [5] => 
                [6] => Post published. <a href="">View post</a>
                [7] => Beitrag gespeichert.
                [8] => Post submitted. <a target="_blank" href="">Preview post</a>
                [9] => Post scheduled for: <strong>Apr 29, 2019 @ 14:18</strong>. <a target="_blank" href="">Preview post</a>
                [10] => Post draft updated. <a target="_blank" href="">Preview post</a>
        [ww] => Array
                [0] => 
                [1] => 
                [2] => 
                [3] => 
                [4] => 
                [5] => 
                [6] => 
                [7] => 
                [8] => 
                [9] =>  <strong>Apr 29, 2019 @ 14:18</strong>.
                [10] => 

    it looks like that get_field values are empty and so the array values are empty, too.

  • aargh!! my bad 🙁

    these message fields are stored in an group field…

    sorry for claiming your time, John.

  • Not a problem, my next question was going to be about the fields you were using. Glad you found the issue.

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