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Using ACF to create Randomized Ad Block

  • I created this solution and wanted to share it with the community.

    I’m developing a website based on a TV show with multiple seasons. I wanted a Gutenberg block that I could drop into the post content at various places to display either a single Amazon image ad chosen randomly from either season-specific lists of ads, or a general list of ads. You will need ACF PRO to accomplish this.

    Create an OPTIONS Page
    Create Repeater fields for the lists of ads
    Create an ACF Radio Button Block to use in Gutenberg

    Here is what I did:

    #1 Create an Options Page where the lists of ads will be entered.

    Place the following in: functions.php

    if( function_exists('acf_add_options_page') ) {

    #2 Create a custom Gutenberg Block for your ads

    Add in function.php the following code:

    // ACF Blocks
    add_action('acf/init', 'my_acf_init_block_types');
    function my_acf_init_block_types() {
        if( function_exists('acf_register_block_type') ) {
                'name'              => 'ad_season',
                'title'             => __('Random Ads by Season'),
                'description'       => __('Random Ads by Season'),
                'render_template'   => 'templates/ad_season.php',
                'category'          => 'formatting',
                'icon'              => 'info-outline',
                'keywords'          => array( 'random', 'ad', 'season' ),

    NOTE: You can change the icon by using any WordPress dashicon, just leave off the “dashicon” part of the icon name.

    NOTE: Keywords are the words you use to search for blocks.

    #3 Create Repeater Fields for the lists of ads.

    I created 7 Repeaters, each with a single textarea sub_field… one for each season of the show (6 seasons) and one for ads that could apply to any season. I chose to put the season number, i.e., “Season 1”, etc., as the ADD ROW name to make finding the right list easier.

    Then instead of assigning them to a post or page LOCATION, assign each to the OPTIONS page you created.

    You can find instructions on Repeater Fields here: Repeater Field Documentation

    I named these fields:


    Here is what my list of ACF fields looks like:
    Repeater Fields for ACF Random Ad Block


    #4 Create a template for the block

    Create a PHP file named ad_season.php and put it in your child theme in a templates directory.


    In this file I placed the following code that will call a single ad from one of the lists:

     * Random Ads
     * @param   array $block The block settings and attributes.
     * @param   string $content The block inner HTML (empty).
     * @param   bool $is_preview True during AJAX preview.
     * @param   (int|string) $post_id The post ID this block is saved to.
    <?php if( get_field('ad_season') == 'any'): ?>
    <div class="random_ad">
    <?php $ads = get_field( 'random_ads_any_season', 'option' );
        if( is_array( $ads ) ) {
            $ad = array_rand( $ads );
            echo $ads[$ad]['random_ad'];
        } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if( get_field('ad_season') == '1'): ?>
    <div class="random_ad">
    <?php $ads1 = get_field( 'random_ads_season_1', 'option' );
        if( is_array( $ads1 ) ) {
            $ad1 = array_rand( $ads1 );
            echo $ads1[$ad1]['random_ad'];
        } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if( get_field('ad_season') == '2'): ?>
    <div class="random_ad">
    <?php $ads2 = get_field( 'random_ads_season_2', 'option' );
        if( is_array( $ads2 ) ) {
            $ad2 = array_rand( $ads2 );
            echo $ads2[$ad2]['random_ad'];
        } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if( get_field('ad_season') == '3'): ?>
    <div class="random_ad">
    <?php $ads3 = get_field( 'random_ads_season_3', 'option' );
        if( is_array( $ads3 ) ) {
            $ad3 = array_rand( $ads3 );
            echo $ads3[$ad3]['random_ad'];
        } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if( get_field('ad_season') == '4'): ?>
    <div class="random_ad">
    <?php $ads4 = get_field( 'random_ads_season_4', 'option' );
        if( is_array( $ads4 ) ) {
            $ad4 = array_rand( $ads4 );
            echo $ads4[$ad4]['random_ad'];
         } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if( get_field('ad_season') == '5'): ?>
    <div class="random_ad">
    <?php $ads5 = get_field( 'random_ads_season_5', 'option' );
        if( is_array( $ads5 ) ) {
            $ad5 = array_rand( $ads5 );
            echo $ads5[$ad5]['random_ad'];
        } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if( get_field('ad_season') == '6'): ?>
    <div class="random_ad">
    <?php $ads6 = get_field( 'random_ads_season_6', 'option' );
        if( is_array( $ads6 ) ) {
            $ad6 = array_rand( $ads6 );
            echo $ads6[$ad6]['random_ad'];
     } ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    #5 Create an ACF Radio Button Block

    This will be the block that you will use in your page or post to display the ad.

    ACF Radio Button Documentation

    I named my field: ad_season

    And used the following for the radio buttons:

    any : Any Season

    Then choose the LOCATION of: “Block” is equal to “Random Ads by Season” (Note: this you created in the functions.php in step #1)

    #6 Enter Ad Code on OPTIONS Page

    When you go to the OPTIONS page you will see the Repeater Fields you created. Enter as many ad codes as you want to each.

    #7 Insert the Random Ad Block into your Page or Post

    Click the “+” button and search for your block:

    Random Ad Block

    Click the pencil icon to edit the block. Then choose the list you want the random ad to be chosen from:

    Random Ad Block Radio Button List Choices

    You can add as many of these Blocks to your page or post as you want. Each will show a different random ad even if they are all from the same list. NOTE: Sometimes “random” means the same ad will be chosen again on the same page load.

    I hope this helps you.

  • Correction: In my original post above, the last image is wrong. It should show the what the Random Ad Radio Button Block looks like.

    Random Ad Radio Button Block

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