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using ACF to create an events listings

  • Hi all –
    I have a website currently published for past 13 years on Lotus Domino platform –
    I’m currently rewriting the website in wordpress. here is my development link –

    one area i’ve struggled with and hope that ACF will help me with is how to replicate the events listings. what i have now is listings that are submitted by theaters using this form –
    which i hope to use ACF to build a form with a field group replicating these fields.
    then this is where i’m struggling and wanted to know if people think ACF will help me to do this –
    i have a sorted filtered view of the current events, within each category the events are sorted alphabetically.
    containing the event name, location, hours, and the excerpt that are pulled from the database and displayed on the page.
    not the prettiest but this is something i built in 2002 and it is very popular in new york, this content is all submitted by theater and i want to be able to support it in WordPress.

    Is using ACF to build both the submission form and the listings page an option? Im not really grasping what the repeater field is and whether that will help me.
    Any comments suggestions would be appreciated.

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