If this is more of a Divi issue, please let me know!
Hi everyone, I’m using Divi to build my website. I want to build an archive page using the Blog Module, which chronologically lists the most recent blog posts.
The featured images are different sizes, so I had the idea of using two different Featured Images. One is using the default WordPress Featured Image feature, this image is in Landscape orientation, and the other is a second Feature Image in portrait orientation.
I used ACF to create a custom Image field where I can enter the portrait version of the featured image. In the Divi module I then set a Dynamic link to change the background of the module, the idea being it automatically the portrait image from the blog post. (I used the background image option because I can not change the default Featured Image size, and I want the text to be placed on top of the image).
But for some reason, all different blog entries use the same Dynamic Image, even though they have different Featured Portrait images set individually. It seems ACF/Divi is not correctly fetching the field information from the specific blog post. I’m wondering if I’m using the wrong ACF field, and if so, which one should I be using? I’m on the free version if that helps.
You can view the website page here: https://colindedeugd.nl/stories/
All landscape oriented pictures are correct, the problem only lies with the portrait oriented pictures. I’m not sure if this is an ACF or Divi issue, so help would be much appreciated! Thanks!