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User field with Relationship UI

  • I am asking if anyone has any code that can make the User field act with the relationship table UI interface. I love this interface in so many ways, and while I think the User field should allow for select options, I can see so many uses for the relationship interface as well. I am slightly surprised no one has done this yet ( from what I can find online anyway. )

    In my use, I am setting up an Events CPT and it would be great to have this interface for adding users to the event. I plan to have an event registration option, but it would be wonderful for the Admin to be able to add a User manually add someone right there on the page editor, or even simply remove them if needed. This interface would work so much better than the multi-select option, or even than the new v.5 select feature. ( I will admit, the v.5 select feature is much better than before. )

    I know there are ways to create your own field, but the relationship aspect of this is still just above my comprehension.

    So, does anyone have a plugin or bit of code that can make this happen?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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